Chongqing Youye Auto Parts Co., LTD. : Vehicle Maintenance (6)

Description:Shock absorbers harden. Usually car body weight 1-2 tons, long time to stop the use of the vehicle, ....

Shock absorbers harden. Usually car body weight 1-2 tons, long time to stop the use of the vehicle, will make the spring and shock absorber effect weakened.

Because it is not necessary for a long time, car owners tend to cover their cars. However, when it comes to substandard clothing, hurricane weather can reveal its side effects. When the outer layer of the car clothing suffered from wind and rain, its inner layer will repeat the taxi paint, draw a lot of subtle scratches on the car body, we often found in the later, these scratches throughout the car, cleaning and waxing can not ensure that the scratches completely removed, a long time will also form a black paint.

This article is compiled by Chongqing Youye Auto Parts Co., LTD